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Once more the bumbling and self-fighting ones in charge of defining the destinies of the Democratic Party, after having open wide the door to Donald Trump -- and all the evil things that followed and still follow -- with the predictably hopeless candidacy of Hillary Clinton, now are wasting, once more, an opportunity to help this nation find its way, in this case in the fraught issue of Ukrainian conflict.

These "achievements", among some others, mark them deeply as bad friends of democracy and, therefore, as no friends of mine.

I do make an exception of Progressives, that were rallied to something constructive, for a change, by Bernie Sanders in 2016, to be rolled over by "moderates" with an undemocratic maneuver using "Super Delegates" as a weapon of true-center-left mass-destruction. To choose a hopeless candidate because, I think, she "smelled like them." And because "she was going to break the Glass Ceiling!" Big campaign points, those. As the successive history of this country has shown them to be.

Way to go, Democrats! Wait to go, USA!

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